Fostering Growth Through Innovation

febrero 19, 2024 admin Comments Off

Today, our team had the privilege of exploring the state-of-the-art facilities of Paturpat-Udapa, accompanied by Maider Gómez from CIRCE Technological Center, Carolina Peñalva from Aitiip Technological Center, and Laura Villacián from Tecnopackaging. Thank you, Ana Carrasco, for hosting us during this insightful visit!

The Spanish Pilot, led by the AITIIP in collaboration with Paturpat and Tecnopackaging, is steadfast in its commitment to achieving a 90% reduction in Chemical Oxygen Demand. Additionally, the pilot aims to recirculate 140,000m3 of water and generate an annual yield of 450 tonnes of starch from the extraction plant, slated for launch in March.

This by-product holds significant promise for applications spanning the packaging, chemical, and pharmaceutical sectors.

We are thrilled about the promising impact and the forthcoming strides of the Spanish Pilot and the overarching BRILIAN project! Keep an eye out for further updates!

For more in-depth information about the Spanish Pilot, refer to the dedicated section below!