Spanish Pilot


Food processing industry used to discharge processing water into water treatment plants, which led to high costs and the impossibility to recover any process by-product. The business model proposed in BRILIAN will enable recovery of 450 tonnes of starch per year from an estimated volume of processed potatoes of 10000 tonnes per year

The Spanish Pilot, led by AITIIP Technological Center, alongside Paturpat and Tecnopackaging, aims to reduce Chemical Oxigen Demand by 90% as well as recirculate 140,000m3 of water and generate 450 tonnes of starch every year. This by-product will be used for diverse applications in the packaging (with the development and technical validation of a new family of plastic products covering the whole food value chain based on the building blocks obtained from the secondary bio-based feedstock), chemical and pharma sectors.

AITIIP Technological Center, Paturpat and Tecnopackaging


Packaging products, thermoplastic starch, and refined starch.


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